Do you know that you have the ability to decide how much to pay a real estate agent? In the past Sellers, preset the amount without your input. Learn the options so you don't add $10,000 or more unnecessarily to your mortgage.

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The Federal Reserve cut the funds rate by a full percent in 2024. So why haven’t rates seen the same benefit

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Keith L. Eliou, Esq., CFP, RIA, MBA

- Financial & Retirement Planning

-Mortgages & Real Estate

-Elder Law & Estate Planning

-Asset Protection Planning

-Medicare & Retirement Planning

-Disability and Income Protection

- Life Insurance

- 529s and Education Planning

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May 2024


Why a $25,000 permanent life insurance policy makes sense to purchase;(1) early in your working career;(2) for your children or (3) grandchildren

  1. Everyone will eventually pass away, making funeral and burial costs inevitable;
  2. Employer coverage, if offered and accepted, ends with the termination of employment;
  3. As people age, insurance increases in cost and may become unattainable if diagnosed with an illness or with a life event;
  4. The death of a child is tragic and funeral costs may add an additional financial burden at an already difficult time.

The amount of Funeral and Burial expenses often comes as a surprise to many.

The typical costs:

  1. Cemetery Plot……………………………………………….….$3,000-$5,000
  2. Vault…………………………………………………………………$2500-$3500
  3. Opening and closing the grave…………………………..$200-$300
  4. Monument………………………………………………………..$2,500-$5,000
  5. Casket………………………………………………………………..$7500-$12,500
  6. Basic Funeral home services……………………………….$3000-$4000
  7. Embalming and preparation………………………….……$1000-$2000
  8. Obituary………………………………………………….…………$300-$500
  9. Floral arrangements……………………………..….………..$250-$500
  10. Transfer services to cemetery………………….…………$500-$1000
  11. Preserving body and facilities usage……………….….$500-$1000
  12. Memorial prints and death certificates………….……$200-$400

Range………………………………………………………..…………………..$21,450 - $35,700

Parents and grandparents should consider the purchase of a permanent life insurance policy for minor children, not only in the event of a tragic occurrence but as a gift that will be very appreciated by the children long after the parents and grandparents pass away.